Lagniappe (lan-yap') - a unique word to Southern Louisiana meaning "giving an extra or unexpected gift or benefit." The good folks living below I-10 have inculcated it into their heritage through business and hospitality to show genuine appreciation. I heard of and experienced this wonderful expression on my first visit to "Cajun" country (Lafayette) in the mid-80's and the impact still resonates in my personal view of respecting one another.
But to be consistent and not found guilty of engaging in "pious fraud" is, well, often very difficult. Wanting to "go the extra mile" can take on various scenarios and having the desire to be a "lagniappe" person when circumstances are less than desirable brings internal conflict and afterthoughts. To carry out a Christian perspective of lagniappe as in the Gospels (Mt 5-7 - Sermon On The Mount) requires not just a wanting to be liked for who we are but to be instilled with a passion to be like Christ. This can only come through the work of the Trinity (1 Pet 1:2).
Yes, we do demonstrate the love of Christ by deliberate and/or random acts of selflessness, but the real lagniappe is what Christ did for all of us!! He became sin for us [who knew no sin] that in Him we might become the righteousness of God (2 Cor 5:19-21). He is our substitute, our scapegoat, our High Priest, and the Author and Finisher of our faith. Maybe Paul's words in 1 Cor 1:30 say it best: "He [God] is the source of your life in Christ Jesus, whom God made our wisdom and our righteousness and sanctification and redemption." (ESV)
The lagniappe which is found in Christ is not just "a little bit extra" or "another scoop" but a lavishing of grace to undeserving sinners and will be forever heralded in the halls of heaven as the Lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world takes His rightful place of worship. Read the words of Rev 4-5 and imagine the humbled redeemed singing with thanksgiving "WORTHY IS THE LAMB..." throughout eternity. He took mortal man - full of sin, unfit to be in the presence of the Father, destined for an eternity in the Abyss - became man, live a sinless life, wept great tears for His people at Gethsemane considering the dregs of the bitter cup He must drink, endured our stripes at the hands of soldiers, did not retaliate when the people mocked and spat upon Him as He bore our sins on Calvary, was obedient unto death, died -- and rose on the third day!! Now He sits at the right hand of the Father serving as our lone Mediator [making our peace with God], Advocate [as the Accuser of mankind hurls complaint after complaint at the saints], Intercessor [hearing our petitions and cries], and the one-time Sacrifice that satisfied the righteous, holy wrath of the Almighty (John 3:36; Heb 10:10-12).
Lagniappe is a gracious act that can be practiced out of respect for a fellow human; however, when Christ is our Justifier, a miraculous newness of life occurs changing the heart of stone to a new heart that walks in the fear of the Lord and counts each moment of life as precious.